Prime foam


What does” R-value” mean??

R-value is a technical term used to measure how well an object in an exposed area resists conductive flow of heat. The greater the R-value, the greater the resistance, and the better the thermal insulating properties of the object are. R-values are used in describing effectiveness of insulation and in analysis of heat flow across assemblies such as walls, roofs, and windows under steady-state conditions. Heat flow through an object is driven by temperature difference, between two sides of the object, and the R-value quantifies how effectively the object resists this drive.

In plain English, this means that the thicker the insulation, the more efficiently you can keep your conditioned air inside your home and have a more comfortable home.

Is spray foam insulation expensive?

Yes and no. The short answer is yes, the long and correct answer is no. Foam is more expensive today than putting in fiberglass or cellulose insulation, however, the other insulations have gaps in them which air escapes through. This means that whatever air you are conditioning in your home, i.e. heating or AC (which cost lots of money to run), will leak out and not stay inside your home where it belongs. Imagine to yourself quarters flying through these cracks…… With spray foam, you effectively create a monolithic seal in which there are no gaps or cracks where air can seep through. So whatever air you condition in your home stays in your home and you don’t need to keep paying to condition new air that keeps coming in.

Another point to remember is that once you close your walls with sheetrock and paint or tile them, opening them back up is very expensive, and who’s talking about the hassle. Throughout the winter days and even summer, we get calls all the time from people saying how originally they tried saving money by not doing spray foam, however it’s so cold/hot in the house that they need to open the walls back up and put the spray foam. Now it’s really a lot more expensive.

Why Foam?

Like we’ve mentioned, foam is sprayed throughout the entire house and creates a monolithic seal around the building envelope. It kills the stack effect of the building by not allowing any air in or out. Nasty drafts are a thing of the past and no more hot or cold spots anywhere in your home. It’s a comfort thing. You want your home comfortable and cozy. Spray foam and you’ll thank us later.

Does foam reduce energy bills?

Absolutely! For the reasons listed above and others, your energy bills will be reduced by at least half once you spray foam. Your air conditioners and heaters will work a lot less because of it and you’ll be the last one on the block to turn them on. Not only do you save on the energy costs to condition the space in your home, the HVAC equipment can be a lot smaller and less powerful units as well. Speak to your HVAC company and let them know you will be spraying your new home with foam and to factor that in when building out an HVAC system for you.

In addition, energy companies actually give rebates for homes and building that have foam installed as part of their energy rebate programs.

Is spray foam insulation sound proof?

Sound reduction is very tricky and often very expensive. As an alternative to having a professional company really soundproof, one of the insulations, Open Cell, has sound reducing characteristics. It deadens the space and reduces ambient noise. Generally we will fill half a cavity with some foam and keep a gap of air between the sheetrock and the foam – air is a sound barrier as well – for optimal performance. In addition to the foam, it’s a good idea to install double sheetrock or sound boards as well as special sound glue for the drywall.

Ask your general contractor about those when discussing sound reducing options.

At what point during construction is spray foam installed?

Spray foam is applied into the walls when all electrical and plumbing pipes are finished, inspected, and working. You want all wires to have been run and assembled so that you won’t rip out any of the foam after we’re done spraying.

Once you are ready to close up the walls with drywall that’s where we come in. Generally speaking it takes a couple of days of spraying a full house and we’re done. It’s important to schedule a day to spray when other trades will not be working, as all people in the building need proper PPE.

Can spray foam be applied in commercial buildings as well?

Yes! The same benefits foam gives to a custom home, happens in a commercial space as well. In fact, many condos and luxury rentals advertise and promote their buildings as having been sprayed with foam insulation

Have a question you couldn’t find an answer for here?

Gives us a call and we’ll gladly help you out.

For the best insulation, think Primefoam.